Exhibitor: https://www.bs11.jp
Around 2005, when the Otaku culture was at its most active, the most famous book was The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.In 2006, the anime began and is arguably the biggest hit of the 2000s.
The recent announcement of the release of The Intuition of Haruhi Suzumiya, the first new work in the series in nine and a half years, was also a big deal, and it proved to be still very popular.
1. Summary
Kyon is a student at North High School in Nishinomiya. He is dragged along by his classmate, the titular Haruhi Suzumiya, an eccentric schoolgirl who seeks supernatural phenomena and figures, such as aliens, time travelers, and espers. With Kyon's reluctant help, Haruhi establishes a club called the "SOS Brigade" (SOS団, Esu-Ō-Esu Dan), short for "Spreading excitement all Over the world with Haruhi Suzumiya Brigade" (世界を大いに盛り上げるための涼宮ハルヒの団, Sekai o Ōini Moriageru Tame no Suzumiya Haruhi no Dan) (In the school's official paperwork Kyon renamed it "Support the Student Body by Overworking to Make the World a Better Place Student Service Brigade") to investigate mysterious events. Haruhi soon recruits three additional members: the laconic bibliophile Yuki Nagato, the shy and timid Mikuru Asahina, and the unflappable transfer student Itsuki Koizumi. These members soon reveal themselves to Kyon to be the types of extraordinary characters that Haruhi seeks. They have been sent by their respective secret organizations to observe Haruhi—who is unaware that she possesses destructive reality warping powers—and to prevent these powers from being unleashed. Each of the three believe that it would be dangerous were Haruhi to discover she had such powers. Together with Kyon, they work to keep life interesting for Haruhi and to prevent her from becoming bored enough to imagine a new world, as they and their organizations fear that this would destroy the current world. (Exhibitor:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haruhi_Suzumiya)
2. The charm of the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya?
2.1 Ingenious Story.
The theme of the extraordinary in everyday life, the personalities of the characters shine through.
As you can see in the synopsis, Haruhi forms the SOS group as soon as she enters school and attempts to discover the wonders of the world.
But, of course, it's not easy to encounter mysterious happenings, no matter how many groups Haruhi have formed.
On the other hand, the protagonist Kyon encounters various mysteries after the formation of the SOS group.
In fact, other than Kyon, all the members of the SOS group are special people: Nagato Yuki is an alien, Asahina Mikuru is a futurist, and Furuizumi Kazuki is a psychic.
Haruhi is even more special; she has the ability to make the world work the way she wants it to, which is why she was able to gather these special people into the group. She doesn't realize that.
Revealing to Haruhi that she has such abilities or the existence of mysterious things is an absolute secret, as the world could change dramatically.
Kyon and the other members of the group pretend to be normal in front of Haruhi, but solve various incidents caused by Haruhi in secret. Many viewers must have been fascinated by such an unusual part of their daily lives.
2.2 Fun music
The famous music of Haruhi is the ending song "Hare Harure Yucai" and the song "God Knows...”
The ending of the song "Hare Harureleukai" is famous for the Haruhi Dance.
The way the characters danced during the ending of the show was what we used to call it. All the geeks in those days could dance, and it was a tremendous boom. But what was even more amazing was the fact that prisoners were dancing in a Philippine prison.
[Exhibitor : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpiBWjy-nJU&feature=emb_title]
God Knows..." was played in episode 12, "Live Alive".
[Exhibitor :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWB01IuMvzA]
It's not that you can't hear the heat they put on this song, but you can hear their "feelings" through their voice, which is not a technical thing.
It's not about the technique, it's about the "feeling" that comes through his voice. Humans have the ability to feel without saying a word. Have you ever had the experience of being able to feel the tension of the people around you?
It's no surprise that you can feel their "feelings" by listening to the "song".
It's not about the technique, it's about the "feeling" that comes through his voice. Humans have the ability to feel without saying a word. Have you ever had the experience of being able to feel the tension of the people around you?
It's no surprise that you can feel their "feelings" by listening to the "song".
3. Conclusion
For the first time in nine years, a new book has been released and is once again in the spotlight.
Japanese otaku culture cannot be discussed without it, so be sure to check it out!
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